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The Top 5 Must-Have Skills for PostgreSQL Developers


So you need to hire a PostgreSQL developer for your team, but are you not sure what skills to look for? As an open-source database, PostgreSQL requires a unique skill set that goes beyond just standard SQL knowledge. The best PostgreSQL developers have a passion for continuously learning and improving their craft. They stay on top of the latest features, optimizations, and tools to build robust and scalable solutions.

If you want a PostgreSQL expert who can hit the ground running, here are the pinnacle five must-have competencies to seem to have for your subsequent hire. With the proper technical and soft skills, a PostgreSQL developer can take your database's overall performance and application to the next level. But without them, you’ll struggle with inefficient queries, downtime, and an unhappy team of developers waiting on database requests.

Let’s dive into the essential skills your new PostgreSQL guru should bring to the role so you can find the perfect fit for your team. The right hire with these abilities will transform how you work with data and build apps on PostgreSQL.

1. Understanding PostgreSQL Architecture

To work with PostgreSQL, you want to recognize how it’s architected below the hood. PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database, which means it accommodates the first-class components of relational databases with object-oriented features like:

  • Data modeling: PostgreSQL helps with an extensive variety of information types, inclusive of integers, text, Booleans, dates, and more unique sorts like JSON or XML. You have a lot of flexibility in how you model your data. You can use:- Tables i.e. The general relational model Great for highly structured data. Views are basically digital tables that summarize complicated queries into easy tables. Materialized views will let you bodily keep the consequences of a view for quicker reads. and Foreign tables i.e. the reference tables from exterior statistics sources like documents or different databases.

  • Querying data: PostgreSQL uses the well-known SQL for querying data, as well as: Window functions: Perform calculations throughout units of rows. and Common table expressions (CTEs): define transient question outcomes you can reference in later clauses.

2. Proficiency in SQL and database modeling

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the lingua franca of relational databases like PostgreSQL. As a developer, you’ll be writing SQL queries to manipulate data, create tables, insert and update records, and more. You need to be extraordinarily fluent in SQL and capable of writing optimized queries, subqueries, CTEs and joins.

When it comes to database modeling, you want to recognize how to logically shape facts into tables, columns, and relationships. Things like:

  • Normalizing data to the 3rd normal form

  • Determining principal keys and overseas keys

  • Using key constraints, not null constraints, and default values

  • Drawing entity-relationship diagrams to visualize the database model

3. Experience with Performance Tuning and Optimization

To effectively tune and optimize PostgreSQL, a developer needs experience in several key areas.

  • Database Architecture: Understanding database architecture—how data is structured and relationships are built—is essential for performance. A developer should know how to design a normalized database with proper indexes and constraints to allow for fast data access and integrity. They should also have experience with denormalization techniques to optimize read performance when needed.

  • Query Optimization: Writing efficient SQL queries is a must-have skill. A developer should know how to analyze query plans to identify bottlenecks and make improvements. Things like using indexes, rewriting subqueries as joins, and utilizing views and materialized views to optimize performance They should also be familiar with PostgreSQL-specific query optimizations like common table expressions, window functions, and recursive queries.

  • Database Monitoring: Keeping tabs on how a database is performing and trending over time is key. A developer should know how to monitor metrics like CPU usage, memory, storage, cache hit ratios, lock waits, and query response times. They should be able to analyze performance data to determine if and when optimization or hardware upgrades may be needed. Experience with tools like pgAdmin, OmniDB, and TimescaleDB for monitoring and alerting is a plus.

  • Hardware Sizing: Understanding how to properly size hardware for a PostgreSQL database is crucial for optimal performance. A developer should know how to determine computing, memory, and storage needs based on factors like data volume, workload intensity, high availability requirements, and peak usage times. They should also understand how to evaluate cloud-based database services to find a solution that meets performance needs while minimizing costs.

4. Knowledge of High Availability and Replication

To effectively build and maintain a PostgreSQL database, a developer needs to have a solid understanding of high availability and replication.

  • High Availability: High availability refers to having your PostgreSQL database up and running 24/7 with no downtime. To achieve this, you may want to have failover servers that can seamlessly take over if the primary server goes down. Some options for high availability include: Setting up streaming replication to create read replicas when the primary server fails, you can promote a replica to become the new primary. Using a cluster with primary and standby nodes. The standby node will automatically take over as the primary node if the first node fails. Employing a third-party high-availability solution like PostgreSQL Automatic Failover (PAF), which monitors your cluster and performs automatic failover when needed,

  • Replication: Replication involves maintaining multiple copies of the same database in different locations. This provides redundancy, which helps prevent data loss in the event of hardware failure. The two main methods of replication in PostgreSQL are: Physical replication is defined as The primary server streams its WAL logs to replicas, which replay them to keep their database synchronized with the primary. This is implemented using PostgreSQL's streaming replication. Logical replication is the primary server that streams logical changes (DML and DDL statements) to replicas, which execute them to stay up-to-date. This is implemented using logical replication slots and publications. Logical replication has more flexibility in what is replicated compared to physical replication.

5. Familiarity with PostgreSQL Extensions and Tools

To effectively work with PostgreSQL, developers need to be highly familiar with the various extensions and tools available. Here are some of the key skills to look for:

  • Understanding PostgreSQL Extensions: PostgreSQL has a robust extension system that allows you to add more functionality. Some important extensions to be familiar with include: PostGIS allows you to store and query geographic information. Essential for location-based apps. And pgRouting: Provides geospatial routing functionality. Useful for mapping apps. Along with PL/Python enables you to write database functions in Python. Great for incorporating machine learning models into your database.

  • Proficiency with PostgreSQL Tools: There are various open-source tools built to simplify working with PostgreSQL. Candidates should be comfortable using: pgAdmin is the most popular GUI tool for managing PostgreSQL. It allows you to easily explore databases, run queries, manage users, etc. PSQL is PostgreSQL's command-line tool. Developers should be able to connect to databases, run queries, import and export data, and more using psql. PostgreSQL Docker images: For development and testing, Docker images provide an easy way to spin up PostgreSQL instances. Knowledge of the official Postgres Docker images is useful.

  • Understanding PostgreSQL Architecture: To effectively develop applications using PostgreSQL, developers need to understand components like Tablespaces: that is the logical storage units that contain databases. Schemas: Logical data organization units that contain tables, views, indexes, etc., and Roles: Used to manage access and permissions in PostgreSQL. Developers should understand the different role types, like superusers, regular users, and groups.


As a PostgreSQL developer, having a solid set of technical and soft skills will make you an attractive candidate for companies looking to build or maintain database applications. The most in-demand skills are:

  • Expertise in SQL and PostgreSQL: You should know how to write complex queries, optimize performance, and troubleshoot issues.

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest PostgreSQL features and versions: Proficiency in a programming language like Python, Java, or C++ You'll need to be able to build applications and interfaces that interact with the database.

  • Knowledge of database design and modeling: Understanding how to structure data in a logical, normalized way is key. You should know how to create schemas, tables, constraints, and relationships that meet business needs.

  • Experience with Git and version control: Most companies today use Git for collaborating and deploying code. Know how to commit changes, merge branches, and resolve conflicts.

  • Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability: Explaining technical concepts to non-technical colleagues, troubleshooting issues, and picking up new technologies quickly are all valuable soft skills for a PostgreSQL developer.

With talent in high demand, many companies are looking to staffing agencies like DashHire to help them find skilled PostgreSQL developers. If you develop an understanding in these areas and continually enhance your skills, you will have possibilities for innovative businesses constructing the subsequent technology of net and mobile applications. The future is bright for PostgreSQL builders who work to stay at the cutting edge of this open-source technology.

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